Viitorul Roman Society invites you to attend a great event on Sunday, the 17th of March, at 1:30 pm in Lake Forest, dedicated to Women History Month.

An exquisite occasion to meet in person the direct descendant of the Great Romanian Prince and Martyr, Constantin Brincoveanu, Her Serene Highness Catalina Teodora Brincoveanu, who is going to share some amazing insights about her remarkable ancestors.

The event will enjoy presentations of entrepreneur Carmen Margineanu and author Dr. Dorina Nicula, who is going to launch her book “Flavors of My Childhood”.

A delicious 3-course luncheon, including unlimited fountain soft drinks and baklava desert is included!

Aduceți, deci, familiile și prietenii la evenimentul nostru organizat in marja acestori sarbatori!

Please distribute the attached flyer!