To The Viitorul Roman Society – General Meeting
Good morning. As the non official historian of the Society, I am the one with the camera trying to document the activities. I am a second generation American-Romanian, bilingual having learned the Romanian language from family and friends, proud of my heritage, but never traveled to Romania.
Today there is going to be a new administration for Viitorul Roman Society. Our Society has the distinguished distinction of being a legitimate organization for over 90 years. You can visit the Website or ask any of the “elder” members about the history of our Society. You will see photos of events, programs, read about our history and learn about the focus of the organization over the many years.
I am calling the new officers to be mindful about the enormous job that is ahead of you. With the political climate that is being projected into society, and the Romanian government and citizens in the news, it is now more critical than ever to promote the Romanian people here in the United States as being proud of our heritage and respectful of the USA.
Understanding that most of you still have ties to Romania, this makes your responsibility more profound. Bring the pride of culture and assimilation to this country by sharing the cultural history, Arts, Music, Food and traditions to the American society. We cannot isolate ourselves from this obligation and responsibility. The added responsibility of promoting the pride of culture will be on your shoulders.
Through networking, successful activities and fund raising (not the opposite) you can promote positive goals and focus on good projects. Without funds there cannot be activities!
May you all be able to focus on positive issues for the continuation of our Society and have a successful year.
Susan Marie Petrescu – February 26, 2017