A group of 9 students from the Grigore Moisil High School of Informatics in Brasov, participated at the American Computer Science League, who organizes computer science and computer programming contests and had competing over 200 teams from United States, Canada, Europe, Africa and Asia participating this year.

The students competed in two teams – the senior team took the first place from 10 teams and the intermediate level team won the 5th place from 25 participating teams.

The Viitorul Roman Society from Los Angeles, was glad to meet with these meritorious students and the teachers who accompanied them and help them with the logistics of their stay in Los Angeles for the contest.

Congratulations to the participants and a lot of success!

Un grup de 9 elevi de la Liceul de Informatica Grigore Moisil din Brasov au participat pe 27 mai, 2017 in Los Angeles, la final concursului de informatica “American Computer Science League” care a avut peste 200 de echipe participante din United States, Canada, Europe, Africa and Asia anul acesta.

Elevii au pariticipat la concurs in doua echipe – echipa de seniori care a ocupat locul intii din 10 echipe si echipa de nivel intermediar care a obtinut locul 5 din 25 de echipe participante.

Organizatia Viitorul Roman din Los Angeles a avut bucuria de a se intinlii cu acesti elevi meritosi si profesoarele care I-au insotit si de a-i ajuta in logstica sederii in Los Angeles in vedere concursului.

Felicitari participantilor si mult succes in continuare!